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猜你想找:| 教堂婚礼




婚姻是爱情和相互信任的升华。它不仅需要双方一生一世的相爱,更需要一生一世的相互信赖。今天_____和_____将在这里向大家庄严宣告他们向对方的爱情和信任的承诺。 牧师:_____和_____,现在请你们向在座的宣告你们结婚的心愿。

  牧师:_____,是否愿意娶_____作为你的妻子?你是否愿意无论是顺境或逆境,富裕或贫穷,健康或疾病,快乐或忧愁,你都将毫无保留地爱她,对她忠诚直到永远? 新郎:我愿意。 牧师:_____,你是否愿意嫁给_____作为他的妻子,你是否愿意无论是顺境或逆境,富裕或贫穷,健康或疾病,快乐或忧愁,你都将毫无保留地爱他,对他忠诚直到永远? 新娘:我愿意。 誓言



  牧师:_____请跟我重复。我全心全意嫁给你作为你的妻子,无论是顺境或逆境,富裕或贫穷,健康或疾病,快乐或忧愁,我都将毫无保留的爱你,我将努力去理解你,完完全全信任你,我们将成为一个整体,互为彼此的一部分,我们将一起面对人生的一切,去分享我们的梦想,作为平等的忠实伴侣,度过今后的一生。 交换戒指 牧师:这里现在有两枚戒指,它们是婚姻的象征,它们完美的圆环代表着生命与爱,象征永恒的爱情。



  朋友们岁月就像一首动人的歌谣,它一直唱着关于爱的故事,岁月就像一首动人的歌谣它一直唱着关于孩子长大的故事,朋友们让我们再一次把掌声送给这台上一大家子的人,也送给全天下的爸爸和妈妈,祝愿父母身体健康,永远幸福平安 。

  牧师:____,请跟我重复,你是我的生命,我的爱,我的挚友。我今天娶你为妻,这个戒指将永远印证我对你的挚爱和我今天对你的`庄严承诺。 牧师:现在请_____把戒指戴在新郎的手上。(主伴郎从戒童手中的戒枕上取下戒指,递给新娘。新娘将戒指戴在新娘左手的无名指上,然后双手捧着新郎的左手。)



  牧师:现在,_____,你可以掀开面纱亲吻你的新娘了。 牧师:从今以后,你不再被湿冷雨水所淋,因为你们彼此成为遮蔽的保障。 从今以后,你不再觉得寒冷,因为你们互相温暖彼此的心灵。 从今以后,不再有孤单寂寞。 从今以后,你们仍然是两个人,但只有一个生命。 唯愿你们的日子,天天美好直到地久天长。

  牧师:现在请允许我向大家介绍:这是_____及他的夫人_____,让我们一起为他们祝福。(众人鼓掌。) 宣告完婚 牧师:婚礼仪式礼成,请新人退场。 (在观礼嘉宾的起立鼓掌声中,新郎和新娘原地转身,重新走过甬道,走出仪式区。其次,戒童拉着花童的手,主伴郎、主伴娘尾随其后,次伴郎、次伴娘再后,相继退场。如果是室外婚礼,客人们可以抛洒花瓣,如果是在教堂,可以在新人走出教堂的时候,有人等候在外面抛洒花瓣。)



Marriage is the sublimation of love and mutual trust.It not only needs the love of both sides for a lifetime, but also needs the mutual trust for a lifetime.In the presence of those who are here today, you will solemnly declare their commitment to each other's love and trust.Pastor: With and... Now declare to all of you here your desire to be married.

Minister: Do you take your hand in marriage?Will you love her and be true to her for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow?Groom: I do.Are you willing, in good times and in bad, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, to love him unreservedand to be true to him till the end of time?Bride: I do.oath

Minister: And with those who are with you, now turn your face toward each other, hold each other's hands, and proclaim to each other as wives and husbands.(The bride gives her bouquet to the maid of honor.)

Minister: Please talk to me.To thee will I marry with all my heart. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, I will love thee unreservedly, I will try to understand, and trust thee wholly.We will be one, we will be a part of each other, we will face everything together, share our dreams, and spend the rest of our lives as equal and faithful partners.

Pastor: Please repeat after me.I marry you with all my heart as your wife, whether in prosperity or adversity, rich or poor, health or disease, happy or sad, I will love you without reservation, I will try to understand you, completely trust you, we will as a whole, each part of each other, we will face all of life together, to share our dreams, as equal faithful partner, spend the life in the future.Priest: Here are now two rings. They are symbols of marriage. Their perfect circle represents life and love, the eternal love.

Well, all the guests and family and friends here today have witnessed this beautiful moment.Let's give them our best wishes again with warm applause.May their love and affection be with you forever.

Pastor: Now please put the ring on the bride's finger.(The groomsman removes the ring from the ring pillow in the ring bearer's hand and hands it to the groom.The groom puts the ring on the ring finger of the bride's left hand and holds her left hand in both hands.

Friends years just like a moving song, it has been singing about love story, time is like a moving song it has been singing the story about the children, friends, let us once again gave applause to the person of this stage a large family, also sent to all the world's father and mother, I wish parents good health, peace and happiness forever.

Priest: Regis, repeat after me, you are my life, my love, my friend.I take you today to be my wedded wife, with a ring that forever confirms my love for you and my solemn commitment to you today.Pastor: Now please put the ring on the bridegroom's hand.(The groomsman removes the ring from the ring pillow in the ring bearer's hand and hands it to the bride.The bride puts the ring on the fourth finger of her left hand and holds the groom's left hand in both hands.

A pre-arranged wedding march is usually played first, or the bride and groom can discuss with the church to play music they like or have special meaning between them.

Preacher: Repeat after me. You are my life, my love, and my best friend.I take you today to be my wedded wife, with a ring that forever confirms my love for you and my solemn commitment to you today.

Pastor: Now, you may lift up your veil and kiss your bride.Priest: no longer will you be drenched by cold and damp rain, for you will be a shelter to one another.From now on, you will not feel cold, because you warm each other's hearts.From now on, there will be no loneliness.From now on, you are still two, but there is only one life.May your days be beautiful every day for ever.

Pastor: Allow me now to introduce to all of you. These are the representatives of those who are today.Let us all together bless them.(Applause.)Minister: The wedding ceremony is complete and the couple is invited to exit.(To a standing ovation from the guests, the bride and groom turned and walked back down the aisle and out of the ceremonial area.Next, the ring bearer takes the flower girl by the hand, the main best man, the main maid of honor followed, the second best man, the second maid of honor and then, one after another, exit.If it's an outdoor wedding, guests can throw petals, and if it's a church, there's someone waiting outside to throw petals as the couple exits the church.)